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Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Indio, CA

Hire a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in California at DG Law Group

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in California

Riding a motorcycle can be a delight, but it comes with its fair share of hazards. These often result from negligence. Sadly, harmed motorcyclists are left to deal with a painstaking recovery process, and often, major medical bills. A trained personal injury attorney at DG Law can help.

Assistance from a trusted motorcycle accident lawyers at DG Law Group can make a huge difference. David Gray Law Group is a great resource for California motorcyclists dealing with the fallout from devastating crashes.

Statistics of Motorcycle Injury in Indio, CA

Motorcycle accidents are far too common in California, but thankfully, recent data suggests that related fatalities are beginning to see a slow but steady downward trend. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, annual motorcycle fatalities decreased from 523 in 2018 to 474 in 2019. Deaths linked to a lack of helmet use also decreased during this time.

Even when motorcyclists survive accidents, ensuing injuries can keep them suffering for years. This is evident in an analysis of data from the California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System. Conducted by the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center at UC Berkley, this effort revealed that an alarming 18 percent of accidents involving motorcycles led to severe injuries, compared to just 3 percent for cars and light trucks.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

What are the leading reasons for motorcycle accidents?

Inattentive drivers. 

Inattention lies at the heart of many motorcycle accidents. This is a problem for both car drivers and motorcyclists. Cell phones are a common culprit, as it’s difficult to respond to hazards when gazing at text messages. Food, beverages, and even passengers can be a significant source of distraction.

Poor communication. 

It’s important to use proper signals to let others know their intentions. Hand signals, for example, alert others to upcoming turns, braking, or road-based hazards. When communication is impeded by distraction — or is lacking altogether — collisions are far more likely.

Road hazards. 

Even responsible drivers or motorcyclists can get into accidents when stormy weather or icy surfaces get in the way. These problems can easily be exacerbated by irresponsible behavior. For example, while icy roads are difficult to handle under any circumstances, inattention makes drivers even less capable of responding to sudden slips or spin-outs.

Common Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents can lead to a wide range of devastating injuries involving every area of the body. The protective elements provided for other vehicles are generally absent for motorcycles, leaving drivers vulnerable even when they wear protective equipment. Add inattentive behavior from other drivers, and the following injuries are likely:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Road rash
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken ribs
  • Cracked skulls
  • Lacerations

Preventing Potential Crashes

Motorcycle safety initiatives aim to help drivers address the problematic behaviors that make today’s motorcyclists so vulnerable. These efforts are often aimed at helping car, SUV, and truck drivers become more aware of motorcycles and the dangers they face.

Beyond this, helmet laws bring light to a major source of suffering in motorcycle accidents: the failure to consistently wear helmets. According to Vehicle Code Section 27803, all those who operate and ride motorcycles must wear helmets at all times.

Contact a Qualified Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Indio

Were you involved in a motorcycle accident in or around Indio? Do you suspect that negligence played a role in the crash? Assertive representation is crucial at this difficult time. The sooner you get in touch with a California motorcycle accident attorney at DG Law Group, the better.

With DG Law Group on your side, you can take comfort in knowing that one of the region’s most dedicated personal injury teams has your back. There is no substitute for proactive legal service, so reach out today to get started with a case consultation.

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