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Workers Compensation Lawyer in Indio, California

Get the Compensation you Deserve with a California Workers' Compensation Lawyer at DG Law

David S. Grey

If you’ve been injured on the job, DG Law is your workers compensation law expert in Indio, CA. Working with a trusted professional can give you access to the help and support you need, so you can resolve your case and move forward with your life.


Types of Workers Compensation Cases in Indio, CA

There are four main types of workers comp cases. It’s vital that you understand the kind of case you have, and that you get a medical opinion about your particular situation. You don’t want to end up with far less compensation than you really deserve, simply because you didn’t understand what you needed to pursue. The types of workers comp cases are:

  • Medical Treatment
  • The employee is injured at work and undergoes medical care, but the injury severity doesn't necessitate any absence from work. In many such cases, the worker can continue their job with the employer once they have recuperated from the injury.
  • Medical Treatment and Lost Time From Work
  • The worker suffers an injury, undergoes medical care, and consequently has to take time off work due to the injury. During this time, he or she receives weekly disability benefits of income calculated at two-thirds of their average weekly earnings. After a period of absence from work because of the injury, the worker recovers and gets back to work.  In certain instances, the worker can resume their job with the employer they had before the injury. However, the longer the worker is absent from work due to the injury, the higher the probability that the employer might decide to terminate their employment.
  • Medical Treatment & Injuries That Prevent Employee from Returning to Their Pre-Injury Job
  • The worker undergoes medical treatment, but the injuries sustained are so severe that returning to the pre-injury job is not possible. Furthermore, the injuries might impede the worker's ability to secure any employment. In such instances, the worker could qualify to persistently receive weekly benefits, calculated at two-thirds of their average weekly earnings. Some adjustments might be made in certain cases, extending up to a limit of either 350 or 400 weeks. This duration hinges on whether or not the injured worker is cleared for any sort of light-duty work by the treating physicians.
  • Medical Treatment & Injuries That Prevent the Employee from Returning to Any Type of Work.
  • The worker undergoes medical treatment, but the severity of their injuries cause permanent disability and prevents them from returning to any kind of job that is widely available in the national economy. These injuries are extremely severe (such as amputated limbs, blindness, and paralysis) or so catastrophic that the worker will never be capable of returning to any kind of employment.  In these most severe cases, there is usually no limit to the number of weeks for which the injured worker can receive income benefits. These benefits, subject to adjustments in certain scenarios, may continue for the rest of the worker's life.

 Examples of Work-Related Injuries That Can Lead To A Workers Compensation Claim

  1. Injury by Accident: These are claims that come about due to an unexpected event in the workplace. For example, an employee could slip and fall on a wet floor, or get injured by machinery.
  2. Occupational Disease: If an employee develops a disease as a direct result of their work, they could make a workers' compensation claim. For instance, a coal miner developing black lung, or an office worker developing carpal tunnel syndrome from extensive computer use.
  3. Repetitive Stress Injuries: These are injuries that occur over time due to the repetitive nature of a task. Examples include tendinitis and bursitis. A common workplace repetitive stress injury is carpal tunnel syndrome, often caused by extensive typing or other repetitive hand motions.
  4. Hearing Loss: Workers in high-noise environments may file workers' compensation claims for hearing loss due to long-term exposure to loud noise.
  5. Work-Related Mental Stress: If an employee can demonstrate that their mental stress or a psychological condition is a direct result of their work, they might be able to make a claim. For instance, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in first responders.
  6. Workplace Violence: If an employee gets injured due to an act of violence in the workplace, they can make a workers' compensation claim.
  7. Aggravation of Pre-Existing Conditions: If a worker has a pre-existing condition that is worsened by their work, they might be able to file a claim. For instance, a worker with a previous back injury might further injure their back at work.
  8. Back and Neck Injuries: These are very common workplace injuries. They can occur from falls, lifting heavy objects, or even from regular, day-to-day tasks.
  9. Loss of Body Part: In some industries, it's unfortunately not uncommon for workers to lose a body part due to an accident. This can lead to a significant workers' compensation claim.
  10. Death: In the unfortunate event that a worker dies as a result of their work, their family may file a workers' compensation claim.

Each of these claims must meet certain criteria in order to be accepted for worker's compensation benefits and compensation. For example, the injury or illness generally must have occurred while the employee was doing something on behalf of their employer or during employment. The rules can vary greatly from place to place, so it's always a good idea to consult with a legal professional for advice.

Questions to Ask a Workers Compensation Attorney

Asking a workers compensation lawyer near Indio, California, the right questions can go a long way toward making sure you’re getting the help and support that’s right for your needs. The questions you want to ask may depend on your particular case, but there are some basics that you’ll probably want to know, no matter how serious your workers compensation case might be. Here are a few important questions to think about.


Have you handled cases like this one before?

If an experienced workers' compensation attorney in California, such as one at DG Law Group, has been in practice for a while, but they’ve only handled cases that are very small, you might not want to work with them unless you also have a smaller case. That’s because a medical care-only case is far different from one where you aren’t able to work again. There’s a big discrepancy in the requirements of handling those two cases, which means you want to work with an attorney at DG Law Group who’s familiar with your type and level of case.


Are there past clients who will give testimonials?

Being able to speak with past clients isn’t always possible, as there are privacy issues to consider. But some past clients are willing to be contacted by potential new clients, in order to help them make a decision about hiring a top rated attorney at DG Law Group. Asking about this can be worthwhile, since you may be able to find out a lot from the experiences of other people.

 Why Hire A Workers Compensation Attorney in Indio, CA

When it comes to navigating the complex world of workers' compensation, having an experienced attorney by your side can be the key difference between securing your rightful benefits and enduring unnecessary hardships. Your attorney will act as a staunch advocate, committed to protecting your rights and securing the benefits that you are entitled to under the law.

Workers' compensation laws are intricate and can often be quite overwhelming. An attorney well-versed in these regulations can help simplify the process, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is correctly completed and filed within the required deadlines. They will handle all the legal complexities, allowing you to focus solely on your recovery.

Employers and insurance companies aren't always eager to pay the benefits you deserve, and may even attempt to deny your claim. A workers' compensation attorney has the necessary skills to effectively negotiate on your behalf and contest any denials, ensuring you receive fair treatment. They will build a robust case, gathering medical evidence and arranging expert testimony to validate your claim.

A seasoned workers' compensation attorney can also accurately assess the value of your claim. They'll consider factors like current and future medical expenses, lost wages, and the nature and extent of your injuries to ensure that you receive a fair settlement. Without legal representation, you might undervalue your claim, potentially missing out on significant benefits.

In the unfortunate event that your injuries lead to long-term disability, your attorney can guide you through the process of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance, increasing the likelihood of receiving this critical assistance.

The process of pursuing a workers' compensation claim can be challenging, but you don't have to go it alone. By hiring an experienced workers' compensation attorney, you significantly improve the chances of securing the compensation that will support you through your recovery and beyond. Your health and well-being are too important to leave to chance. Make sure you're represented by someone who understands the system and is ready to fight for your rights.

Speak to an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Law Firm Today

Ready to talk to a workers compensation attorney in California at DG Law Group? Have questions about your case? Reach out to our law firm today, and let us help you address any issues you’re worried about. Whether you’ve been denied workers' comp or you’re worried about getting the proper level and type of benefits for your situation, we can help. Having an experienced attorney at DG Law Group on your side is a great way to have more peace of mind, and get a fair compensation you are entitled to receive. Contact DG Law today for a free consultation.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Workers’ Compensation

  • What do I do if I get injured at work?

    If you are injured at work, you should immediately notify your employer and seek medical attention if necessary. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, which can help cover the cost of your medical treatment and lost wages.

  • What are the eligibility requirements for Workers’ Compensation?

    To be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, you must have been injured while performing your job duties. Your injury must have occurred due to an accident or exposure to hazardous conditions, and it must be verified by a licensed physician. You will also need to provide proof that you were unable to work as a result of your injury.

    Workers’ compensation benefits can help you cover the cost of your medical treatment and lost wages. If you are permanently disabled as a result of your injury, you may also be entitled to receive disability benefits.

  • Can you see your own doctor on Workers’ Compensation?

    Yes, you can see your own doctor on workers’ compensation, but you will need to get prior approval from your employer or the insurance company. You should also be aware that the workers’ compensation system may only cover certain types of medical treatment.

  • What happens if I am fired after filing a Workers’ Compensation claim?

    If you are fired after filing a workers’ compensation claim, you may be entitled to file a wrongful termination lawsuit. However, it is important to note that there are laws in place that protect employers from being sued for firing an employee who has filed a workers’ compensation claim.

  • How long can you receive Workers’ Compensation benefits?

    How long you can receive workers’ compensation benefits depends on the severity of your injury and your ability to return to work. If you have a permanent disability, you may be eligible to receive benefits for the rest of your life.

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